"I would iron the faces of those who have ever touched me. My skin, it's been waiting for just one thing all its life. It must be some sort of a mistake, you are shifting same things from one place to the other, topsy-turvy. The heartbeat is insane, like two fists hitting a wall. Let me go, release me! — it screams. Every beat is different in strength, but it strikes directly into the most vital organs, spanking my beautiful young body with a huge father's hand. My body will grow old, will turn disobedient.
My arse, it won't fit into my trousers, I already hate it. My skin will turn moist. Don't touch it, I will hit you with an iron. I always have it with me — i like to caress, to touch some tissue with it. But no, I don't really it, I'm still young, beautiful, I don't need one. I can look at everyone, throw glances at them. Mother, don't look at me, cause I'm looking at you, as a some sort of answer, while you keep getting older, you keep dying later each time. That's it, I'm done with you, smashing plates behind my back don't mean anything to you. You see me taking a knife from the table, you see me cut off my left breast. It's too old to feed a baby. I don't need a baby, give me a baby. Mother, you are a man in a space suit. You open up new horizons but you are never at home. Moon crators remind me of you, but they can't be seen from Earth. Purple skies in the evening. Twisted, someones death, for all to see, for children to see, for me to see, for me to see, for me to see. Mother gets run over by a racing car. Why the fuck would she go on a racing track? Why the fuck does my father rush after her? I don't know. I don't have anything left to do, I feel sick, something is coming out of me, squeezing my insides, but still emerging. Shall I take more pills? I have already taken a few. Good that I count them. It allows me not to lose control, and that's why it will be me driving the car that will run over my mum and dad day after day. Because I've got it all under control. I don't know what these pills are for or what they cure. The Pills. Hm, I need to look at the clock. A dial and two branches. Down - up - down - up. Someone is watching me. Through some dark fabric. I can hear them breathing. Click, click. Who is it? Are you here? I beg you to stay with me! Let's just talk for a bit, please, embrace me. It won't help I know that. But my parents have died. You can't even imagine how terrible it is to be alone. They are gone and I'm so small and helpless. Like a pigeon in a downpipe. It's pouring with rain. I'm scared, so scared. And very soon cops will be here. The first thing they will want to do is take my room away, steal my home. Fucking cops, those dirty pigs will steal my home! Why are you so silent? What's the matter?
I'm only asking for future instead of present. And you won't give it to me.
Because I'm somebody's past and everything mixed so long ago. Time became a ghost of my dead parents.
And you don't have breasts, but you have a dick.
That's why you should help me, isn't it how it works? Does anyone else wants anything?
Anything? No, not me. I'm so thirsty.
There's no one here, nobody's watching. Fucking pills.
And that woman with a dick and no tits, the one wearing a space suit, she is fucked up too.
Everything seems so simple, revoltingly banal — "just try to understand, just stay near".
I only want one thing — I want "now". I don't want "yesterday" or "tomorrow". Last hope for survival. The man in a space suit and the lady with no tits, they are my last hope. They are coiled around the wheels of the racing car. It didn't even stop, that's why the frozen visions keep transferring onto the ground, round after round, forever. I walk, I crawl like a lizard, I run after it, after the killer car. Days pass by in a second and I realise that I'm the one driving. I've got sexy legs. Smooth white skin, inviting to touch it, to caress them. Calmness and peace in my home. Because now I have the space suit man and the breastless woman intead of my parents. What will happen tomorrow? Tomorrow a cop will kill me. And what about tomorrow? Tomorrow a cop will kill me."